Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Aidan's home learning

Well done Aidan for your home learning so far.

An accurate portrait of Henry VIII.

I like your balanced argument points. What did you decide at the end- should children be paid for going to school?

Great work :)

Y6 Home Learning Grid -Autumn 1

Attached are some activities that you can complete at home if you are self isolating. 

Please choose as many activities as you want to complete. Send in any samples or photographs of what you do and I will update the class blog with samples of work. 

Please remember you can use:


- TTRockstars

- mymaths- I will allocate activities

- spellingframe





Y6 Stars of the week 18-9-20

Well done to our Y6 stars of the week.

Freya produced a superb poem with beautiful vocabulary about what could be behind a mysterious door.

Isabel has taken in our SPAG terminology so well and has applied this in her English writing this week.

A special mention to the whole class- I am so pleased with everybody's efforts and hard work. Myself and Mrs Anson are really impressed by you all. :)

Y6 spellings 14-9-20

Please see the attached documents for this weeks spellings. Children will be given a copy on Monday-please practise your spellings in your spelling book at home using the games sheet in your homework book. I have also attached some games that will be played regularly in school to learn spellings. Also use

Y6 Stars of the week 11-9-20

A huge well done to this weeks stars of the week Coban and Kacie. 

Coban's positivity and enthusiasm are lovely to have in the class. 

Kacie has worked hard in every subject, every day.

Great Y6 role models. 

Roald Dahl Day 2020

To celebrate Roahl Dahl Day on 13/9/20 Year 6 followed a tutorial by Quentin Blake, the man who illustrated most of the Roald Dahl books, to create these amazing sketches of Willy Wonka. I love how they are all unique. The children enjoyed it so much they had a go at drawing some other Roald Dahl characters. 

Y6 stars of the week 4-9-20

Well done to Isabella and Aarron our first stars of the week in Y6. Both children have shown great attitudes to learning and enthusiasm. 

Well done to Maisie for completing the Tameside Library summer reading challenge.

Well done to Lily for winning the parents award at football training. 

Well done to Nathan for winning the player of the year at football training. 
