Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Kai's sweet peas

I am impressed Kai. Your sweet pea seeds are growing very well. I am useless at growing plants so I know who to come to for help.

Keep it up :)

Alexa's 'treat the trees better campaign'

A great message from Alexa about looking after our environment and protecting trees. I am so impressed with your persuasive skills in your YouTube video to raise awareness. Unfortunately I can't share videos on here but I really enjoyed watching how well-researched and enthusiastic you were. A future prime minister maybe :)

Finlay's time at home

Wow Finlay you have been so busy at home. I am so impressed with how much you have done and how creative you and your family have been. 

What a list of activities- planting, making bird feeders, cooking, baking, model making- I love your salt dough 'dad'!

Great work on your time capsule- you have just created a piece of history! I love your idea of making a Covid-bot to record the number of deaths. 

Riley's been busy!!

Well done Riley you have completed so much work in the last few weeks at home. I love your time capsule- it will be so interesting to look back at this in the future :) 

I'm glad you're spending time doing some daily exercise too and getting outdoors.

Take care, I'm missing seeing you at school :)

Alex's super home learning

Wow Alex you have been so busy. Well done for completing so many tasks set last week- remember to take any photographs in landscape so that they ve used on the website.

You have done really well with the maths work that was set- this was tricky. Well done for completing the comprehension about the Day of the dead- have you watched the whole film? I really enjoyed it. I am impressed with your balanced menu too- it looks delicious. 

Keep up your amazing work Alex :)

