Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Year 6 home learning- 20th April

I hope you are all making the most of this lovely weather spending time in your gardens or enjoying a local walk with your family. Click on the links attached to continue with your home learning this week. Try to complete as many of the activities as you can- it is good to keep your mind active. Have a great week and keep sending me photographs of what you're doing at home. :)

Spanish and cookery home learning!

As part of  their home learning, Matilda, Albert and Jessica had a Spanish afternoon where they made and ate potatas bravas with chorizo, did some of the Spanish challenges and then taught themselves to sing Happy Birthday!   They've also been baking and making Easter gifts for neighbours.  You certainly have been a busy family!  Well done! 

Year 6 home learning 13th April


I hope you've had a lovely break.

Press read more to see some attached activities that you can complete this week at home. Look at last weeks page to see the attachments for other subjects like science and art.

Year 6 home learning examples week beginning- 6th April

It may be the Easter holidays but some Y6 pupils are still continuing with their home learning. Well done!

Well done Alex- great work for SPAG completed on synonyms and antonyms. Well done for completing the book scavenger hunt too. :)

Well done Cameron for continuing your home learning on different maths skills. Keep it up :)

Well done Phoebe- great work continuing your test skills. Well presented information about the Vikings too :)

Lovely work from Oliver S- well done for continuing with your maths work. Well researched information about Easter too. :)

Y6 home learning 6th April

As it is the start of what would have been our Easter holidays please spend time with your family, relax and have a rest. If you would still like to continue with some home learning look at the attached ideas and files and join in with the activities that you would enjoy. Please continue to send me work and photographs to

Have a lovely Easter to all of you. Try not to eat too much chocolate :) Stay safe. 

Stay Active

Here is a skipping challenge for today. How many skips can you do in 60 seconds? Will you achieve a bronze, silver or gold medal? 
