Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Football match against St Stephens RC

The boys had a fantastic match tonight against St Stephens RC. Both teams played well with St Stephens RC scoring the first goal of the match however Broadbent Fold pulled it back to win the game 2-1 and qualify for the quarter finals. 

Dodgeball Competition

Broadbent Fold took part in a dodgeball competition against other schools in Tameside. They came 2nd in their heat beating Corrie and Mottram but losing to Russell Scott. A special well done to Aarron who got a school games badge for showing good teamwork throughout the competition. 

Determination Action Sports Festival

Broadbent Fold were lucky to be able to attend the action sports festival at Graystone Action Park, Salford. The pupils got to experience scootering, trampolining, skateboarding, the cliff drop and many more activities. 

World Book Day 2020

Check out the Gallery for all our fabulous World Book Day photographs. What an amazing day in store we have planned, starting off with a visit from author Micheal Thane. 

Knife Crime Workshop

I would just like to say a huge thank you to our year 6 pupils and families for attending our knife crime talk this morning. I am very proud of you all for listening to some hard-hitting information.

My job as a headteacher is to get pupils prepared for the wide world. I am sure this workshop will be remembered and it will keep them safe. 

Year 6 art workshop

Today Year 6 were joined by artist Sarah Hicks. We created some fantastic artwork based on our class text Skellig. We did some printing of feathers and images of Skellig. We then mde some sculpture out of clay using a wire skeleton base first. We had a fun-filled day and it was lovely to see so much creativity from the children. I will post some pictures of the sculptures when they are complete. 

Cross Country Tameside Championships

On Saturday, lots of children and their parents braved the cold for the Primary Cross Country Championships. All the children ran amazingly and did Broadbent Fold proud. A special congratulations to Oliver and Liam in Year 6 who have been selected to represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships this Saturday. 
