Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Evolution and inheritance workshop- part 2

In the second part of our workshop we got to explore fossils up-close using a digital microscope. We looked at a huge range of fossils including from animals such as mammoths, whales, megalaceros and even fossilised dinosaur poo!!

What a fantastic day!!

Y6 Evolution and inheritance workshop- part 1

What a fun-filled morning. We looked at the theory of evolution with natural selection. We recreated the famous picture of the origin of species-the children suited their roles very well. We had a competition of who could collect the most ping-pong balls with different tools. We looked at the anatomy of the human skeleton and how it is linked with other animals. In our PE session we completed different circuit challenges thinking about how the body would move and what animals we would look similar to. 

I am impressed with your knowledge Year 6- fantastic work so far!

Survival of the fittest in Y6

Year 6 designed fair tests this week to see who would survive through natural selection. They chose different 'beaks' that they had to use to collect as much food as possible. They set up the investigations scientifically exploring how they would control the constants and variables fairly. They had a lot of fun collecting their food- some of the birds were very messy. I think that some of the birds may have also tried to cheat a little bit too; a lot of fun was had by all.

Y6 Stars of the week 20-11-20

Congratulations Niamh- I have noticed you taking part in our street dance with confidence and enjoyment. Great moves!

Well done to Poppy for working independently in class- keep up the great work. 

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here's Sam looking very pleased with himself after counting up his money from his pirate money box! Sam used multiplication and addition to get to the total. Great Maths at home! Well done Sam and Good Luck! Mrs Blomeley

Forest school with Year 6

Year 6 have had a fanatstic time in their forest school session last week playing the fun bear, salmon, mosquito game.  They have also been safely whittling sticks with potato peelers, making dens and playing on the mud slide.

Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Here is Maisie doing some important Maths at Home – working out how to pay her bills on Monopoly this weekend!  This proves how important Maths is!  Well done Maisie and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley



Maths At Home Competition Entries!

Jacob's photographs show how he has used his number knowledge to organise his football cards in numerical order up to 420.  He used place value skills to say which numbers were bigger/smaller and which hundreds they belonged too. He grouped them by hundreds initially and then looked at the tens number.  Wow!  That is brilliant work Jacob and an excellent example of using Maths at home!  Well done and Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley
