Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

First News children's newspaper

During Lockdown First News are letting us have free access to their weekly newspaper. This is a weekly newspaper aimed at 7 to 14-year-olds that aims to get kids talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way.

It cover issues which are relevant to children and which specifically affect them. Inside you’ll find a mix of world news and UK news, but also loads of fun stuff, such as entertainment, games, animals, sport and puzzles.

Reading at home

I have attached some useful links with great free resources to encouarge reading at home during the lockdown. 

Please see : 7 top tips to support reading in KS2; reading home links; and also look at to access free e-books and audio books from your local library. 

Miss Harvey


Year 6 Stars of the week 8-1-21

Well done to our stars of the week Oliver and Lucy.

Lucy has completed a wide range of work this week. She joins in well with online lessons and I have been impressed with her independence and organisation.

Oliver is a maths whizz as we know. You always impress me. I am pleased wiht how well you are joining in with the online learing too.

Two fantastic role models. 

Outdoor Learning Activities

Please find attached a grid containing some outdoor learning activities that your child can do at home.  There are activities for children in early years, ages 5 to 9 and 9 to 12.  You and your child can of course choose an activity from any section. I will add a new grid each week.  Any photos or work can be uploaded on to seesaw and sent to your class teacher.  I hope that you enjoy these activities and look forward to hearing all about them.  

Take care

Mrs Anson

Year 6 Home Learning week beginning 5th January

Unfortunately we will not be meeting in person for a while but it is important to try and keep up with some home learning as we have all made so much progress since returning in September. I understand that people have different circumstances so please don't feel worried or stressed about supporting your child at home. Do what you can and ask for help when you need it. I will check the progress on seesaw daily and will respond to any emails sent in on school ping. I will start zoom sessions tomorrow- these will be twice daily.

Happy New Year :)

Happy New Year to everybody in Year 6. I hope you have had a lovely break. 

Our new topic this term is 'Were Vikings victorious or vicious?'

Please see the attached topic information of what we will cover in class. 

Also see attached workbooks for maths activities this term. 
