Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Spring 2 Topic information

Next term in Year 6 we will be looking at the learning question: 'What did the Windrush scandal teach us?' Please see the attached topic overview of things we will cover either at home or in school over the next few weeks. Also attached is the home learning grid of additional activities that can be completed over the term. Please send in any completed work to or via the Seesaw app. 

Y6 Stars of the week 12-2-21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the week Olivia and Freya.

Olivia is a positive, enthusiastic learner who participates well in all lessons. You have worked so hard over the last term.

Freya has produced some great work in her home learning. I really enjoyed your information about Anne Easley. You always present work in a neat, organised way.

A big well done to all of Year 6 who have worked hard over the last term. I am so proud of you all.

Enjoy a few lie ins next week :)

Miss Harvey

Y6 Talent Show 2021

As last week was Children's Mental Health Week Year 6 decided to express themselves by taking part in a talent show. You were all wonderful. We had talents including rapping, dog tricks, dancing, gymnastics, drawing and sports skills. 

I really enjoyed it. Look through the images above.

What a talented bunch :)

Y6 Stars of the week 5-2-21

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for your hard work and positivitiy this week. 

Our stars of the week today are Sonny and Hattie.

I love Sonny's enthusiasm for mental arithmetic practise. He works so hard and often completes both sets of questions in our Zoom sessions. Well done.

Hattie is hardworking and determined with her hom learning. She contributes well to Zoom sessions and doesn't mind putting herself on the spot. This takes a lot of courage Hattie.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Home learning Y6 8th February

Well done to everybody for the Y6 Talent Show today. It made everybody feel positive and it was nice to see so many of you ‘expressing yourself’. I really enjoyed it and am so pleased with everybody who took part. 


'That Jorvik Viking Thing'

Next week you have the opportunity to take part in the Jorvik Viking Centre's virtual activites. Every day at 10.00am and 2.00pm, a member of their Virtual Outreach team will be hosting a live ‘Meet the Viking’ session from York.  The sessions will be broadly similar each day – so you can pick the best time to watch one – and last for around 20-25 minutes each.

Pledge 100 exercises for Sir Captain Tom Moore

Today Captain Sir Tom Moore sadly died at the age of 100 years old. He was a true inspiration to many people, raising money for the NHS and lifting people's spirits during lockdown.

To remember this legendary man, can you do 100 exercises of your choice. Send photographs of your physical activities to your class teacher. 

RIP Captain Sir Tom.
