Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Creative Homework Project

Please see the attached creative homework project for Year 6.

Please choose one activitiy to complete and hand in by 22nd January.

Don't forget our Viking dress up day on the 22nd Jan- please use items from home to create a Viking costume. See the attached sheet for inspiration.

I am looking forward to seeing what you do :)

Y6 DT board games

We have made some fantastic board games. The children worked collaboratively to design a game based on their research. They then received market research from their peers before deciding on a game to make.

The end results are fantastic!!

Y6 Adventure Stories

Year 6 have worked really hard on their adventure stories over the past few weeks. They have made prequels or sequels for a text class we have read called 'Dinosaur Island.' The children have published their final drafts and we are hoping to share them with another class in the new year.

I am really proud of all of you Year 6! Please scroll through to look at some of their work.

Christmas fun in Y6

Year 6 have had a very festive day. They had their Santa dash this morning; then they had their Christmas dinner; and to finish off we had our Christmas Fair with a Tombola, Lucky Dip, Name the Bear and Decortate the Gingerbread Man. We had lots of lucky winners.

I hope you all had a wonderful day. 

Y6 Stars of the week 11-12-20

Congratulations to our stars of the week Nathan and Amelia.

Nathan has tried hard to improve his writing- I have been really impressed. Well done Nathan.

Amelia is new to year 6 and she has made a fantastic start. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the class. 

Winter Reading Challenge

The Winter Mini Challenge encourages children to keep reading through the winter holidays by rewarding them for reading and reviewing books.


To take part in the Winter Mini Challenge online, children simply read any books of their choice, then rate and review them at Prizes for taking part include a  certificate and a virtual badge. The website above will also feature activities, recommendations for great winter reads, and competitions. 

