Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Tree planting

Year 6 were excellent tree planters.  The educators from City of Trees said that the children were the best tree planters that they had ever had! The class learnt how to plant the trees on our school grounds and how important trees are to humans, wildlife and the environment.  We found lots of worms when we were digging.  Well done Year 6!  Mrs Anson

Forest School fun in the snow!

The Year 6 forest school group had a fantastic time playing and learning in the snow.  Afterwards they warmed themselves up with some delicious hot choclate and biscuits.

Freddie Fit in Y6

Y6 loved their festive Freddie Fit session this week.

They worked on their fitness whilst having a lot of fun.


Y6 Stars of the week 4-12-20

Congratulations to the boys in Y6 this week.

Max has worked hard to compare fractions in maths this week.

Harry has impressed me with his ambitious vocabulary when writing about dinosaurs in his narrative work.

Excellent work!

Handwriting winners Autumn 2

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 2:

Nursery- Mason

Reception- Elwin

Year 1- Courtney

Year 2- Isla

Year 3- Theo

Year 4- Maycie

Year 5- Reuben

Year 6 - Niamh

We are using a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

PE in Y6

This half term we have worked with our Sports Coach to learn and perform a street dance. The children have worked very hard and have a lot of rhythm.

This week we have also taken part in the 'keepy uppy' challenge. 

Y6 Stars of the week 27-11-20

Well done Gracie. You always have a great attitude to learning. You are hardworking, supportive and enthusiastic in all lessons. A super role model.

Congratulations to Paige too. You are becoming more confident with each day in the class. Your enthusiasm during Outdoor Learning Day was a joy to see.

Two fantastic winners who could easily be chosen to win it every week. 

Well done Isabella for achieving your bronze award too. 

Fanastic Fundraising by Alfie for Children In Need!

Two weeks ago Alfie started his sponsored bike ride in aid of Children in Need!   Amazingly, he managed to raise a massive £585 for Children In Need!  Well done Alfie!  We are all so proud of you for being a wonderful citizen and a fantastic role model.  Mrs Blomeley
