Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Engineers of the Future - STEM Lego Workshop!

Year 4 spent a fantastic morning with Nick from Junior STEM, creating Lego models and bringing them to life using programmable motors and sensors.  The children learnt how Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) are interlinked and spent the morning being engineers themselves, using Lego WeDo to build their robotic models.  This was such an amazing opportunity and the children's enjoyment and sense of achievement was clear to see.  Mrs Blomeley

Mysterious Drama in the Classroom!

Bringing their topic of "It's A Mystery" to a close, Year 4 enjoyed acting out the play scripts they had written.  They used the features of play scripts to create a mysterious drama, based on one of Harris Burdick's illustrations and captions. All of the children delivered their plays with great confidence - there are definitely some budding actors and actresses of the future in this class!  Mrs Blomeley

eSafety Workshop for Parents!

Following their work on Safer Internet Day, Year 4 invited parents in to a workshop to discuss the importance of eSafety.  Children and parents enjoyed the workshop which highlighted some important issues around the safe and responsible use of the internet.  A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents for taking the time to come in.   Mrs Blomeley

Broadbent Fold on ITV News

Broadbent Fold were very lucky today to have ITV news come to our school to video some of the Little Rockies boxing afterschool club for a piece on Tyson Fury. They interviewed some of the children and videoed them working on their fitness and boxing skills that they have been learning over the last 6 weeks. It will be aired tonight at 6pm on Granada Reports, ITV News. 

Making Mysterious Creatures!

Year 4 enjoyed their Design & Technology morning when they made the newly disccovered, mysterious creatures they had designed!  The children worked extremely hard to turn their 2D designs into amazing 3D models!  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Thank you PTFA !

Year 4 would like to say a huge thank you to the PTFA for funding a set of class books, just in time for our next topic! Mrs Blomeley

Act of kindness!

We are so proud of Tilly in Year 4! Last weekend she had 10 inches cut off her hair and has donated it to the Little Princess Trust! They provide free real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.  What a wonderful, caring citizen Tilly is - always willing to help others.  Thank you. Mrs Blomeley


Are Spaces Really Empty?

Year 4 had fun testing the question - Are spaces really empty? Using a cup and paper towel. and immersing it in water, they proved that the space was filled with air which prevented the paper towel from getting wet! They also proved that spaces in the sponges were filled with air, as these produced bubbles in the water when they released their grip on the sponge!  Super Scientists!  Mrs Blomeley
