Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Fundraising fun and super success!

As part of Year 4's topic - Christmas around the World - they wanted to help children who are not so fortunate as they are.  All of the class, helped by Mrs Anson, made delicious Peppermint Creams to sell at the Christmas Fair.  Some children even brought other homemade items in to sell on their fundraising stall!   Most of the children then helped on the stall where they displayed fantastic confidence and communication skills.  They raised almost £100 and chose to spend this on some life saving and life changing items via UNICEF.  An amazing team effort - Well done! Mrs Blomeley

Fairy Tale Week!

Year 4 began Fairy Tale Week by making a list of as many Fairy Tales they could think of!  They found so many and then had the opportunity to read some of them in the Library and in the classroom.  We all enjoyed reading Anthony Browne's version of Hansel and Gretel during the week and finding some of the visual clues within the illustrations.  The week ended with a dressing up day, with characters from Snow White, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Jack and the Beanstalk!  Year 4 have started to write their own versions of Hansel and Gretel, with a twist to the ending!  Watch this spac

States of Matter!

Year 4 are enjoying their current science topic - States of Matter.  So far they have had discussions about the different properties of solids and liquids and investigated which factors make ice melt, using equipment such as thermometers and rulers to record their findings.  Mrs Blomeley

Christmas around the World!

Year 4 have been busy researching how people celebrate Christmas around the world!  They presented some fantastic, creative projects about different countries and shared their presentations with the class.  We all learnt some interesting and unusual facts from these projects.  For example, on New Year's Day in Iceland, people believe that cows can talk!  In Belgium, if children have been bad, Father Christmas will put them in a sack and send them to Spain!  We were also treated to a presentation about Christmas in Poland from Miss Laitl.  Mrs Blomeley

Spanish with Year 4

Year 4 came to share their stories they had written in Spanish with us. We loved it! They were absolutely fantastic!

Operation Christmas Child

To kickstart Year 4's new topic - CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD - we decided to donate a shoebox to Operation Christmas Child.  The class donated items for a girl which included musical instruments, a Unicorn t-shirt, a stationery set, a hairbrush.

Poppy Challenge!

Year 4 just love any sort of challenge!  They were asked to create a piece of artwork to be displayed at St. Michael and All Angels Chuch in Ashton on their Poppy Wall, to commemorate Remembrance Sunday.   Year 4 decided to use recyclable materials in the form of red and black plastic bags!   They enjoyed making their creation and the result was absolutely brilliant!  The Royal British Legion will be holding a service on Sunday 4th November at 1:30 as a thank you for the dedication of the Poppy Wall.  Mrs Blomeley

Spanish Weather in Year 4!

Year 4 have been enjoying learning how to say different types of weather in Spanish.  Senora Buckley brought her "Weather" bag and children chose different items of clothing to match them to the correct Spanish weather. They have also been Weather Reporters, demonstrating impressive Spanish accents as they reported to the class. Well done!  Mrs Blomeley 

Roman explorers in Year 4!

What a fantastic day Year 4 had when they visited the Grosvenor Museum in Chester to explore more about their Roman topic!  The children enjoyed all of the activities in the workshop and were fascinated by the artefacts in the Museum's galleries.  Wearing replica armour and shields, and accompanied by a Roman Soldier and his assistants, the children's day was completed with a visit to the largest Roman ampitheatre in Britain.  The whole class were an absolute credit to Broadbent Fold.  Mrs Blomeley


Roald Dahl celebration Day!

All of Year 4 made a fantastic effort to celebrate Roald Dahl Day by dessing up as a character from one of his fabulous books.  Characters from Matilda, The Witches, George's Marvellous Medicine, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory all made an appearances as well as Mrs Twit, The BFG and the Enormous Crocodile!  We even managed to write about our favourite Roald Dahl book!   Mrs Blomeley
