Class Blog

Year 4 Blog


During Maths Week England, each child from every class produced a piece of Maths related artwork.  The children really enjoyed being creative with Maths and the results were fantastic! On Thursday, the Hall was transformed into an Art Gallery for the children to visit. A selection of work was exhibited from each class which included shape garlands, shape rockets, symmetrical patterns, arrays, tessellations, optical illusions and geometric designs.  There were some interesting conversations in the "Gallery" where the children discussed their favourite works of art! 

MATHS WEEK ENGLAND! - Maths in the Workplace!

Year 4 had a great start to Maths Week England with a visitor to discuss Maths in the Workplace!  Jackie, who is an accountant, discussed how she uses many different aspects of Maths in her job such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages!  In child friendly language, Jackie compared budgets to pocket money and included time zones and currency when she talked about the Charity she works for that helps underdeveloped countries around the world.  Jackie ended her visit by showing the children many of the artefacts she has purchased from differen

Roman Soldiers in Year 4!

What a fantastic day Year 4 had when they visited the Grosvenor Museum in Chester to explore more about their Roman topic!    Wearing replica armour and shields, and accompanied by Maximus Titus, a Roman Soldier, the children marched through the city of Chester.  When they arrived at the largest Roman ampitheatre in Britain, Maximus taught the young soldiers some tactical moves!  After lunch the children enjoyed all of the activities in the workshop and were fascinated by the artefacts in the Museum's galleries.  The whole class were an absolute credit to Broadbent Fold.  Mrs Blomeley

Outdoor Learning Day

All of the children had a great time during Outdoor Learning Day. The children in Year 3,4, 5 and 6 learnt a lot from the RSPB workshops. Year 1 and 2 produced some fantastic artwork from the leaves that they collected.  Well done everyone!

Creating our Class Charter!

As a Rights Respecting School we are all working towards achieving our Silver Award.  The Rights are based around the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and recently Year 4 worked really hard in groups to decide which Articles they would like to include in their Class Charter.  The Charter will provide a frameword for both adults (Duty Bearers) and children on how to respect each other's rights. Watch this space for more details of the Articles they chose and their Class Charter display.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 in the Hot Seat!

Year 4's enthusiasm for our Roman topic is amazing!  So far they have written non-chronological reports about some of the Roman gods and put themselves in the shoes of a Roman soldier, posted in Britain to build Hadrian's Wall.  "Hot Seating" is where a child takes on the role of a character to answer questions from the rest of the class.  Year 4 impressed me by their carefully thought out questions and the attention to detail from the Hot Seat character. Well done Year 4!    Mrs Blomeley

Music time in Year 4!


Year 4 were extremely excited to begin their clarinet lessons with Mr Wright!   Following a warm up singing session their first task was to learn how to put their clarinets together!  They are all looking forward to learning how to play this instrument from the woodwind family.  Mrs Blomeley 

Roald Dahl Day Celebrations!

Year 4 made a fantastic effort yesterday to celebrate Roald Dahl Day by dessing up as a character from one of his fabulous books.  Characters from Matilda, The Witches, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory all made an appearances as well as Mr and Mrs Twit, The BFG and the Enormous Crocodile!  We even managed to write about our favourite Roald Dahl books and which characters we would like to be!   Mrs Blomeley

Time Travel Tales!

We have some budding authors moving up to Year 5 next year!   During their last week in Year 4, children enjoyed telling their end of year Time Travel narratives to Year 3!  Not only had they written some amazing stories, Year 4 had designed and created their very own Time Travel objects which appeared in their tales!  These magical items included watches, clocks, hour glasses, stones, hats, tickets and books!  Children from Year 3 thought this made the stories even more exciting!  Brilliant writing and fabulous design and technology work too!  Mrs Blomeley

Skipping Day

All the children from Nursery through to Year 6 had the pleasure of Anthony the Skipping Coach showing us how to skip properly. What was an amazing day concluded with an assembly and the school has also purchased class size packs of skipping ropes so we can continue to be active and master our skipping skills. 
